An attractive issue of Sivadeva I
Los 1410
INDIA, Post-Gupta (Nepal). Lichchhavis. Sivadeva I, circa 576-605. AE (Bronze, 25 mm, 12.59 g, 7 h). SRI MANANKA ('Lord mark of Mana' in Brahmi) Lion standing left, right forepaw raised. Rev. SRI BHOGINI (in Brahmi) Goddess Lakshmi seated facing on lotus, raising her right hand and placing her left at hip. Rhodes, The Coinage of Nepal, 1. A very attractive example of this difficult issue. Minor deposits and with light flan faults, otherwise, very fine.

From the collection of Prof. Dr. Björn-Uwe Abels, privately acquired from Scott Semans in 1993.

The term mananka means ‘the mark of Mana’ and probably refers to King Manadeva, who ruled circa 464-505. However, Rhodes attributes this type to Sivadeva I, as it is closely related to coins of Sri Amshuvarman, issued in circa 605-621. Still, it is very likely the earliest Lichchavid coin.
25 CHF
160 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 12-Mar-23, 14:45:30 CET
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